Sunday, January 10, 2010

Term 2

Well we're at the starting line for the second term. My schedule is pretty sweet and I think it will do quite nicely in accomodating our crazy winter weather. What does that mean? Well, I have afew hours off in between some of my classes and if the weather is really nasty I can just stay at school and find myself a nice quiet cubby to do my work. Monday's are the class that is two hours from 9:30 - 11:30 and off for the rest of the day. The best part is that it is a computer course, my fav!!!
Wednesdays are brutal though, but you always have to take the good with the bad right? Four classes during the day (of which 3 are back to back) and a 4 hour lecture at night (every other week until March). I figure if I can handle the madness of last term and come out with 4 A's and 2 B's I'm not doing too shabby!
My sister did a blog about resolutions. I kind of gave up on that years ago because they truly are a "to do list for the first weeks of January" then they fall off and I'm back to my old terrible habits.
BUT this year is different. I have an education goal and there is no grey area here. I have to pass my certification exams, no if ands or buts about it!! So, my resolution is to stay on top of my work, be as successful academically as I was last term and hit the ground running in May when I graduate.
This is certainly going to be a year of major change in the Boyce household with 3 of us graduating-Andy grade 12 and off to college in Sept, Josh Corporate Public Relations at Fanshawe and probably won't be coming back home, and li'l old me from Lambton in HR Management. Althought the job market isn't that great right now there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the economy.
Let the games begin!!!
J : )