Sunday, September 27, 2009

Silence is Golden

This weekend my hubby and son went to my sisters cottage along with my brother in law and father in law. Although I love them both dearly, I must admit that I didn't miss them too much. I was able to do what I wanted, when I wanted and even sing outloud if I wanted without having to worry about someone else.
Of course, homework took a significant amount of my time but the first thing I did on Friday night was tidy up my house. I was bound and determined to have it that way for the short 48 hours they were gone. After that, I hit the books and boy did I get alot accomplished. I spread my stuff all over the dining room table and LEFT IT THERE for the weekend! I didn't have to clean it up or put it away, I just worked around it. The biggest taboo was eating while working at my computer........a huge no no in the computer world.
Now they are home and I can hear the tv in the bedroom, my son chatting with someone on his computer headset while playing a game and just the "noise" of having someone here. I guess in reality I'd hate to live by myself, it would be quiet but very lonely. Those 48 hours were bliss but I couldn't do it all the time. I'm very blessed to have them here to drive me crazy!
J :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Garden is Calling Me!!!

Here I sit gazing out the living room window. Children are playing and laughing, birds are chirping and a beautiful breeze is blowing. I can hear my neighbour mowing her lawn and the sweet smell of newly cut grass fills the air (along with the pungent odour of gasoline!!!)I snapped you out of that pretty picture didn't I! LOL
Some of you may but most of you may not know that I am a garden lover. My garden (pictured here, yes that's mine) is my haven, my place to escape and where I do my best thinking. The past few weeks have been a gardeners dream. Apart from the fact that we haven't had enough rain all other aspects have been glorious!
Unfortunately, I haven't been out as much to enjoy it due to my new found student status. Not that I'm complaining but I must admit that I wish I was getting dirt under my nails and thinking about how I'm going to change things for next year. Gardeners are constantly renovating their pieces of heaven.
But instead, I've done 2 law assignments and now need to dive into reading for the next 3+ hours. My garden will be there next weekend but there will come a point in time where I will give in to those little voices begging me to "go walk about" in the my favourite place, my garden.
J : )

Monday, September 14, 2009

It's a Small World After All!

It has been a very interesting week getting to know my classmates. It's amazing how small a city can be when you start to talk to someone else who lives here. While chatting with a man who is in the same program as myself, a neighbour who works at the college stopped by to say hello. Through the course of the conversation the name of my street came out and my classmates eyes popped out of his head. It turns out that he once lived at the end of my culdesac for about 4 years AND WE NEVER FORMALLY MET EACHOTHER!!! Holy Doodle!
Then, tonight I had a board meeting for the Lawrence House Centre for the Arts and we were waiting the arrival of a lady who is taking of the Chairperson position for the remainder of the term. In walks another classmate!!! OK this is way too weird. I know that Sarnia is small but this is crazy!
I wonder who else is going to surprise me over the next few weeks. I think it's kind of awesome to be honest. It makes that gap between you and a stranger shrink considerably in a matter of moments and you feel more connected with them. A stranger is a friendship waiting to happen. At least it is with these two great people!
J :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009


They say "no pain, no gain". What about no pain, NO BRAIN!!! I've been in vacation mode since the end of May so my poor brain is crying out "What the heck are you doing to me?" My girlfriend was walking her dog past my house on the night of the first day of school. She saw me through the window doing some work on the computer. Yes, it was the dreaded "H" word ----Homework! What is the purpose of homework? To ingrain in our grey matter what we have taken that day at school - to reinforce what our profs lectured about? Why do we call it homework anyway---can't I do it at school on my time off or do I HAVE to do it at home? Is the homework police going to sneak up on me in the college library and kick me out because I'm not doing it at home?! What if I decided I wanted to do some reading about The Employment Act for my Law class while sitting on the toilet? Hey it's time management - work with me people! Would it be called "bathroomwork?", "toiletwork?" Anyway, my brain is going to be struggling for the next few weeks to get back into the swing of having to remember and regurgitate! Hope those homework police don't catch me on the toilet!!!!!
J :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fantastic First Day!

Well....I'm off and running! Today was the first day of classes and although I was slightly pooped by the end, it was great. There are a few younger students but it is a terrific mix of experience, ages and knowledge. My teachers are very relaxed and I can tell by their humour that they are going to make it fun to learn. Watching all the "fresh meat" walking the halls brought back memories of my first days at Lambton 25+ years ago. What a difference between then and now! Tomorrow I have a very full day.......a class at 9:30 - 10:30am, 5 hours off then a class at 3:30 - 4:30 LOL. Do you think I should come home for awhile?????
J :)

Monday, September 7, 2009


It's "2 sleeps" before school and I am starting to get the butterfly's. I'm sure that by Wed morning they will feel more like pelicans! I've been to the college a couple of times to put things in my locker, build a locker shelf and walk around afew times to orient myself with my classe rooms. The next week or two is going to be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting but I'm up for it. As the anticipation builds I have caught myself doubting my ability to be successful as a student once again. I guess it's understandable and I shouldn't be so hard on myself. The goals I've set are definately attainable, I just have to make sure I focus. Can I do this? Sure I can. Am nervous? Definately! Will it be worth it in the end? You bet your bippy it will!
J : )

Friday, September 4, 2009

And so it begins........... "5 sleeps" (as my kids would say when they were little), I will be heading back to school after a long hiatus in my accademic career. Although I've taught at Lambton College for four years and worked there for a short time in Continuing Education, it's much different being a student. My books are bought, my parking pass is hanging in my windshield and my locker is good to go. I will admit to being slightly nervous but that is out weighed by excitement. This is a new adventure and a turning point in my life that I am really looking forward to. And so it begins.....this new chapter, a change much needed in my routine life. Hopefully I will be able to keep this blog up during my year as a "college chick"!